Federal Law "On Postal Communication" of 07/17/1999 N 176-FZ (Last Editorial)
Our company operates in accordance with Russian legislation, on the basis of the Federal Law № 176-FZ "On Postal Communication", on a contractual basis (Art. 16, 17) in compliance with the principles of commercial activity in the field of postal services, namely the principles:
compliance with the Rule of Law (Art. 4);
accessibility of postal services for all citizens and legal entities as one of the means of receiving and exchanging information (Art. 4);
respect the rights of users of postal services (Art. 4);
freedom of transit of postal items throughout the Russian Federation (Art. 4);
equality of rights of citizens and legal entities to participate in public postal activities and to use the results of these activities (Art. 4);
ensuring the right of everyone to the secrecy of communications (Art. 4, 15);